One of the best things to happen with the rise of social media is that we no longer have to allow mainstream media to define what beauty is. We have access to so many more people than ever before. The online community is allowing people to rise with their voice, and come together to support and empower each other, to show that it is okay to be who you are with no guilt, or shame.
A while back we did a top 10 list of our most empowering accounts. Now we are doing a top 5 of countdown of all things sisterhood, ecofeminism and women's health.
These are a few accounts that educate, inspire and empower us on a daily basis:
#1 - Rising Women @risingwomen
Our go to for advice and education around self healing and conscious relationships.
#2 - Tribe De Mama @tribedemama
Motherhood, natural birth, sisterhood, all of the above..
#3 - Ode an die Freude @odeandiefreude
#4 - Birth of a mama @birthofamama
Supporting Women during their transition to Motherhood.
#5 - Lisa Olivera Therapy @lisaoliveratherapy
Reflecting on feelings, life, + being human.
We hope you enjoy and find some light in these accounts 💛
First image by @deanraphael